Google Premier Partner Finalist: Mobile Innovation
Refining a top BMW dealership’s mobile paid search strategy leads to ground-breaking performance and tangible ROI with store visit conversions.

303 Store Visits from Mobile Ads in One Month.

1.6 Average Position on Mobile Devices.

95% Better Clickthrough Rate (CTR) vs. Benchmarks.

Dealer Teamwork helped this MN BMW dealer improve their mobile approach by eliminating non-specific ad copy and lack of relevant search criteria from their paid search campaign strategy. Through the use of Dealer Teamwork’s MPOP® technology, the dealer increased its effectiveness and speed-to-market. This is because the MPOP® empowers them with the ability to syndicate marketing messaging, tailored to the modern mobile customer, to their primary online marketing channels with a single update.
“Dealer Teamwork’s approach and customer service is like nothing I’ve seen before. They helped us refine our digital strategy by targeting for more specific search criteria and by empowering us with dynamic, model-specific ad campaigns and landing pages. I know it’s working because we are consistently in position 1 or 2, rather than position 3 or 4, which is especially important for mobile.” – General Manager, Minnesota BMW Dealer